The dark art of chairing a board in surreal and virtual times
This Webinar
Board members, like the rest of us, have had to rapidly innovate in these surreal and virtual times as a result of Covid-19, and chairing a board just got more difficult.
This webinar on the dark arts of chairing a board in surreal and virtual times was presented by David Duffy, Founder & CEO of The Corporate Governance Institute. Board members, like the rest of us, have had to rapidly innovate as a result of Covid-19. This once-in-a-lifetime economic and societal shock has put vital strategic decisions on the table without the luxury of in-person meetings. Boards members have the dual challenge of dealing with the unfamiliar virtual board meetings as well as the pressures of protecting their organizations from catastrophe.
While most boards are still finding that balance, a number of fast-adapting companies have found that virtual board meetings are better than the real thing. Aside from some of the more immediate advantages such as reduced travel and increased attendance, many boards are embracing the shift to virtual by improving governance and collaboration through shorter agendas, crisper presentations, more inclusive and bolder conversations, and broader exposure to key executives and outside experts.
In this webinar, we covered the following topics:
Attributes of a good Chair
Connecting with the Board members
Planning for the meeting
Establishing the Ground Rules
5 tips for managing the meeting
Essential Follow up
This Speaker
David W Duffy is the founder & CEO of the Corporate Governance Institute, an experienced board member, governance consultant and Ireland’s leading author on corporate governance. His last two books are “A Practical Guide to Corporate Governance” and “A Practical Guide for Company Directors”. David is considered an innovator in governance research and engagement and is an authority for all things board-related in Ireland and across Europe.
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