Delegate stories
Ilona Anderson

Ilona Anderson

Diploma in Corporate Governance Graduate
Delegate stories
Ilona Anderson
"I really enjoyed the interactive way of studying. In particular, using a case study of a company throughout the course helped to bring everything to life. It was a great visual, interactive way to help learning that I really enjoyed. I now use the skills I learned within my team."
Tell us about your professional experience before discovering the Corporate Governance Institute.*
I have been in senior management for over 15 years in a private, family-owned company.
What challenges or opportunities were you facing in your career or on your board before taking our course?
I did not specifically have challenges but I wanted to see what opportunities doing the Diploma in Corporate Governance might bring me in my daily work. I love learning.
Why did you choose to study for the Diploma in Corporate Governance with us to help with these challenges/opportunities?
I found the diploma by researching on the internet. My goal was to look forward, to the future. I am interested in joining a board and thought it would be wise to learn about what skill sets a person needs to fulfil such a role.
Can you describe any particular elements of the course that stood out to you or made a significant impact?
I learnt a great deal from the risks and strategy modules. But also, learning about corporate governance in general was insightful as we do not have such a clear corporate governance structure in the company where I work. It was an eye-opener!
How has completing this course influenced your career, leadership approach, or governance or ESG skills?
I really enjoy learning and then using that practice within my own work. I now use the skills I learned within my team. For example, I set up a strategy away day for my team leaders. We revised our mission, tightened up our vision and for the first time, created a strategy that will help us achieve our vision.
What did you find most beneficial about studying with the Corporate Governance Institute?
I really enjoyed the interactive way of studying. In particular, using a case study of a company throughout the course helped to bring everything to life. Also, being able to use my knowledge to make suggestions or answer questions based on scenarios the case study company faced was a great way to learn. It was a great visual, interactive way to help learning that I really enjoyed.