Adapt or perish: boards and technology

Nearly two of every three board members feel they don’t have the knowledge to handle new technologies properly.
Boards have fallen behind in adapting to advances in global technology, and it’s now more obvious than ever.
Positioned at the helm of a company, the board should always have the most relevant and effective expertise at its disposal to deal with the major corporate issues of its time.
But the gulf between advancing tech and boards’ abilities to harness it is widening, according to our latest survey results, documented in Adapt or Perish – a combined effort from The Corporate Governance Institute and Board Intelligence.
The main conclusion we draw from these figures is that boards are nowhere near as tech-savvy as they need to be, and this makes them unfit for purpose.
Key findings
Here’s a snapshot of the current relationship between boards and technology
- 82% of board members agree they need to make more out of technology to enhance boardroom performance.
- 60% of board members feel they have received insufficient cyber-resilience training in the last 12 months.
- Only a fifth of board members are examining the potential (and impact) of AI tools like ChatGPT.
Find out more
Download the report to fully explore the current impact of tech in corporate boardrooms.
You’ll find out directors’ confidence around their abilities to both defend against threats and embrace new opportunities.